Falling off the Fitness Wagon

Falling Off the Fitness Wagon

No worries – I’m not falling off the wagon, but I get paranoid that I will  all the time. Maybe that’s healthy and necessary in order to stick with it.

Falling off the Fitness Wagon

Even though exercise is part of my routine, part of my life — I am continually asking myself what if? I have worked so hard to come this far, I don’t want to go back.

So M-T at 5a when that alarm goes off, I get up. Even when I am tired, sore, just not into it because I know when that hour is up, I will be happy I did.

I also just read this article from this fitness blog:
Re-Motivating: When it Just Ain’t Happening

One of my favorite quotes:
The Pain Now Is Part Of The Happiness Then – C.S. Lewis
