And yes, he switched it up again..

One thing I have said before, i love my Plumbline boot camp because you never get bored.  MT tried something new today and boy, it beat me to the core. Because this is a new camp week – I am so sore and hence super tired at night and that makes it harder to get up in the AM. And to top it off – baby, it’s cold outside and you have a formula for a hard week, where your motivation and commitment is definitely tested.  My body is screaming for rest, so you can rest assured that Friday can’t come soon enough for me… Mentally that made it hard for me to really get into this workout today. I am just so physically sore and tired so it made for a tough, tough workout this morning.

Thursday’s Camp:


Calistentics – backwards lunges, high knees, tuck jumps, leg lifts
50 pushups
3 series of different types of sit-ups – Twists, Planks, good morning jumps

The workout consisted of One Round/5 mins each station (yes folks, 5 MINS each station):

halos with 65lbs -2.5 mins /back squats 65lbs -2.5 mins
weighted jump ropes 5 mins
checkpoint push-ups with 25lb dumbells 5 mins
assisted pullups -2.5 mins/handstand pushups- 2.5 mins (I modified this to do upside down push-ups with my knees on the box)
sumo deadlift  highpulls – 65lbs

Let me say that having to do checkpoints for 5 mins was one of the worst experiences for me. It NEVER ended.

A halo is like a barbell OH Front Press but you also do a barbell OH Back Press right after.

Plumbline Training is on vacation all next week, which is good news for my muscles which need a rest from HIT. So you will see some different posts from me. I will still be getting up early and will probably head to Gold’s Gym to do a more cardio based workout.

what did you do??

One response to “And yes, he switched it up again..”

  1. It was a good switch-up, but so, SO hard! The checkpoints killed me too…and Michael was standing right next to me the whole time, so it made it even worse ;o) The Halos were really hard, I thought, my shoulder joints were scraping and crackling, but I stuck with it. Oof! Thank goodness for this rest day!!!