News to Note

Being choosy about booze helps avoid hangover — to a point –

This is for certain friends of mine. You know who you are!! Or really anyone that likes to partake in holiday cheer!

Bubble up your Beverage

The other day I referred to a blog post that talked about how they were a former Diet Cokaholic. This blog gives you some good ideas of alternatives to drinkin soda. Do you have any ideas that would make it easier for people.

The 27 Craziest Menorahs (Photos) – Urlesque.When Less Exercise is More.

This is so fun. Mel over at clothes make the girl.

Teen Fitness – 5 Tips For Helping Busy Teens Stay Physically Active

It’s no secret to anyone that childhood obesity is at an all time high and for some it reaches well into the teen years. Here are some good tips to get teens active.

‘Too fat to be a princess?’ Young girls worry about body image, study shows.

How sad is this? And what does it say about us in general. Even before they start school, many young girls worry that they are fat. But a new study suggests watching a movie starring a stereotypically thin and beautiful princess may not increase children’s anxieties. …Nearly half of the 3- to 6-year-old girls in a study by University of Central Florida … said they worry about being fat. About one-third would change a physical attribute, such as their weight or hair color. They are talking about 3 to 6 year olds!! Can you imagine?!!  But that watching princesses who are thin doesn’t necessarily increase their anxiety about it, but what about seeing those movies on top of seeing magazine and tv images on top of their parents’ own anxieties which are most definitely influenced by all of the above…