Bruised and Battered

Today was the start of a new 4 week group session. What is tough about doing group conditioning training on Wednesday is that Monday and Tuesday are boot camps and they are hard! Add to the mix a group session that focuses on heavier more targeted weights and conditioning, and then finish your week off with another boot camp session.  It’s tough on your body and you really do feel bruised and battered.

Don’t get me wrong, you are that way because you are working hard and the proof of it is in the results-so to me it’s worth it. I saw my friend and co-camper this morning, Ms. Connie and noticed we were both walking with the same swagger. Bruised and battered is how she described it and she couldn’t have been more on the money!

1 leg jump ropes alternating legs each 30 sec
Regular speed jump rope for 1 min

BOSU Mania today for our CORE work:
crunches on the BOSU
6 inches with balancing the BOSU on your legs – a BOSU weights 14lbs!
V-ups on the BOSU
Stomach side – upper body lifts and lower body lifts to work your back

Main workout 2 rounds AMRepsAP

Burpees – These and checkpoints are so deceivingly tough to do because they exert so much. Have you tried these before?
Deadlifts  (10)- first round I did 135#, 2nd round 155#
Close Grip Bench Press – 65# was standard and I did 20 reps
Double Unders/Jump Rope – I have not yet mastered a Double Under. I am close and I know with practice I will get it. So I stuck with just jumping rope for now.
Pull-up (KIP)  – Ok confession here. I love PULL-UPs.  I am not great at them, but something about it just says to me – man, you are strong if you can do these!
Power Crunches – Take a 15lb with handles,  slide it around a pole  and then grab the handles and do crunches keeping your hands at by the side of your face and touch your knees each time.  Now that’s a power crunch!

PT Station

This was a super tough, super sucky station:

BOSU Push-ups (your chest touches the BOSU each & every time)
25lb (DB) Hang Clean Squats

Sounds do-able right? Do it 30x, then 20x, then 10x each. I thought I was going to take the full 15 min time limit but managed to squeak it out in under 12 mins. Mentally, I wanted to give up after the 30x. I felt immediately sore when I finished. But was so happy that it was just that, FINISHED.

How did you spend your morning?