Needing a Pep Talk…

I made the decision when I went public with my blog that I wasn’t going to sugar coat things or steer away from things that may not be on the most positive side. Because in life, that’s the way it is.  Some days you feel mentally and physically like shit.  Today was that kind of day. When the alarm went off, I wanted so badly to stay in bed, but I remembered that my friend “Jersey” was back in town from Florida and was going to be at the boot camp.  I wanted to see her, so I credit her for getting me out the door when I really, really didn’t want to.  My head was not in the game – whether it was hormonal or because my body is seriously beaten up this week – is anyone’s guess. I have a dull constant ache in my body and feel worn out, run down.  Reflecting on this morning, maybe I should have listened to my internal voice.  I felt like I had a really crappy workout – very low reps. The group could tell I wasn’t in the right space today for it.  I just felt spent.  Miss Connie said that the fact that I showed up and did the workout speaks for itself – I love that lady!

I am in constant fear of hitting that wall that people talk which is probably why I am overly sensitive about feeling like this.  We all have off days but my body seriously feels like this is the first week of boot camp all over again. I need a pep talk! My co-worker thinks I need to go out and have a totally unfettered day, where I eat what I want, and do no physical exercise. I could probably do that for one meal but the guilt would be too great to sustain. What are your thoughts?

Today’s workout:

Calisthenics Warm-up: backwards lunges, high knees, tuck jumps, leg lifts
50 pushups  (I probably did maybe 20 total)

Core: crunches, 6 inch flutters, V-ups

3 -1 min rounds,- AMRepsAP
ring dips with 25lb vests
double rope waves with lunges
25lb db split jerks
Trifecta station: Power Clean, Push Press, Back Squat (65lbs)
Double box jumps


3 responses to “Needing a Pep Talk…”

  1. you should take your coworkers advice! i am going to enjoy pizza at work tomorrow after our company meeting. i just need to reward myself for getting through this week. we are all feeling the pain. not sure why this week of new routine has been so much more painful than previous ones. i wouldnt go food bezerk all day, but enjoy an off the chart meal and something sweet! we have a great weekend to look forward to!! keep up the good work!!

    xoxo bosu master (whose bosu is still sitting in the garage in the box it came in.. some master!)

  2. This is probably the opposite of the pep talk you want, but I say take a little break. I’ve actually read advice that says when you’ve been pushing yourself hard for a long time, you need to take a break (of course, I can’t cite to anything official off the top of my head). Some of those will even say take as much as a week off to let your body recover.

    Honestly, if you didn’t feel great like you usually do after your workout today, I think your body might be telling you it needs a little rest. Even if it’s just a day off of your normal schedule. I’ve had times when I drag myself out of bed protesting to get to the gym and I feel awesome afterwards. Then there have been a few times when I felt even more tired and beaten down after the workout, and I’ve known that my body was trying to tell me something.

    After you take a little break you can come back stronger than ever.

  3. I KNOW how you feel…the last month of bootcamp killed me, mentally and physically, because I was so worn-down due to injuries…my reps were low, and my weight was creeping, and I *knew better* than to do some of the moves…but since I am hard-headed and always up for a challenge, I didn’t listen to my body and where did it get me? NO bootcamp, do not pass go, for at least another month…totally my fault.

    And you know what?? I haven’t worked out in 3 weeks (besides PT, and I DO break a sweat doing that) and I feel like shit! I hate not working out, and the time at bootcamp for me was MY TIME…as soon as I walk through the door @ night, mommy-mode kicks in, and I don’t do a thing for myself…

    SO, all this being said, HIT RESET…don’t let MT pick on you (“you can go heavier, don’t back down” love the man, but he can really get to you!) give yourself a rest, go have a great meal, sleep in for once, and come back recharged and ready for the next week!