Kids and eating healthy

Since I am away spending time with some girlfriends, I wanted to give you some information about kids and eating healthy. I believe that kids learn from their parents and community, so the first best thing you can do is you, yourself live a healthy and fit life.  Showing them that even though we all live busy lives, that you can fit exercise and healthy living within in.  Here are 2 bits of info below that relate to kids and eating healthier.

Jamie’s Food Revolution USA | Campaign for healthy eating | Jamie Oliver.

I believe that every child in America has the right to fresh, nutritious school meals, and that every family deserves real, honest, wholesome food. Too many people are being affected by what they eat. It's time for a national revolution. America needs to stand up for better food!

Hannah Bea – my daughter, hates school food and who can blame her. The few times I have met her there for lunch, I was amazed at the poor quality of not only the food, but the portions and presentation. They call a salad a few leaves of iceberg lettuce and I think it had a few bits of carrots. Come on – we can do better than that. So, for the most part, I pack her lunch daily. It’s a pain but I can be sure she will get good food that she will eat. And for the most part it’s well rounded with some stuff she likes prepared in a  healthier way and fruit and veges. Maybe if they did improve the quality – it would improve not only their health but maybe increase some revenue.

Eat Well Live Well | Wegmans.

Not everyone is lucky enough to live near a Wegmans. I realize this. But if you do, then you probably already realize how lucky you are.  They really have great selection and their website does offer great information on eating healthy.  Hannah’s Girl Scout Brownie troop recently went to Wegs to a Veggie Patch Cookie class called: eat well live well Veggie Patch Cooking Class for Scouts

“eat well live well” Veggie Patch Cooking Class for Scouts. In the class the girls had a  a hands-on experience where they got to participate in food preparation, try new foods and learn about making healthier choices. They made a great salad, talked about apples, and prepared some great things that were healthy. Hannah came home so excited about what she learned and brought some food home for all of us to try. I think it’s great that Wegmans offers this. The more everyone educates kids about healthy eating and living, the more it sinks in.

Down and Dirty with Kids in the Kitchen.

…we need to focus on how we make food come alive to our children. How can we make it more inviting and fun to play in the kitchen with us, or if old enough, for us?