Monday is a good day

So I took Fri, Sat and Sunday off from working out. Sometimes when you realize your head is not in the game, you have to just go sit on the bench for a min or two. I am glad I did – it seemed to be just what I needed.   And although I didn’t eat clean this weekend at all and will be suffering for it most of this week – I felt raring to go to Plumbline Training this morning!

1 min Burpees- which amazingly gets you warmed up.


Teeter totters
Bicycles moving up and down with our torso
One leg up rotations which are called ROBs
25 bottom up pushups

3 rounds AMRepsAP. We had 3 rest/active stations.

45lb OH Back squats/Burpees with a 14lb Dynamax ball
Box jumps/plyo pushups
20lb db push press squats
25lb kettlebell Figure 8s/Sumo squats with 25lb kettlebell
Partner Dynamax Ball toss

I like this workout. The weights aren’t super heavy and you get a good cardio workout!

A few things I n0ticed this morning – when you are in tune with your body, you can really tell when you push it nutrition wise.  Most people who know me, know I am not a drinker. I will have one here and there, but it’s hard for me to recall the last time I had one- before this past weekend.  I just don’t have a taste for it – hard to believe but true. So when I do drink, it wreaks havoc on me and it takes me literally days to recover. (Maybe that is why I don’t drink!!) So this will be an interesting experiment in how fast my body will bounce back after this weekend.  I will keep you posted.
What did you all do?