Notable News

Cavaliers: Cleveland Clinic, Cavs Team Up for Colon Cancer Awareness.

CLEVELAND, OH – March 1, 2010 – Cleveland Clinic and the Cleveland Cavaliers will collaborate to promote awareness and prevention of colorectal cancer with the campaign, “Score Against Colon Cancer” throughout March as part of Colon Cancer Awareness Month.

This is great. Would be greater if the LA Lakers did it, but you take what you can get.

Colon Cancer (Colorectal Cancer) Support and Education – The Colon Club.

The Colon Club is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of colorectal cancer in out-of-the-box ways. Our goals are to educate as many people as possible, as early as possible, about the risk factors and symptoms of colorectal cancer, and for people to get screened when it’s appropriate for them.

Your Health And Body Image – How They’re Linked.

The contention by the Spanish government is that ads for cosmetic surgeries, botox injections, and related procedures only serves to accentuate a growing problem tied to the body image of young teens. An interview with a teenage girl, aired on NPR, summed up the reason for the rising rates of anorexia and bulimia in Spain, as she explained how the “perfect bodies” of actresses and models are worshiped by their culture. This is why they limited advertising for the industry to after 10 pm, in the hopes of reducing the exposure of children to the images and message portrayed by the industry.

Even though this is in Spain, this is relevant here in the good ole USA. I think that anything that can be done to curb the images we see that help influence the younger generation to think they aren’t good enough is a step in the right direction. So a post 10p restriction on ads of that sort sounds like a good place to start.

Practical And Fun Flexibility Exercises | Fitness Health

In order to avoid muscle tension and injuries, you should perform flexibility exercises.  Not only would they help improve your fitness but flexibility exercises are also proven to be beneficial for daily activities.

One thing I know I need to work on is my flexibility. It actually seems to have gotten even more limited since I started doing more high intensity training. I am thinking about starting to take a YOGA class to see if it will help me limber up.