No Sweet Surprise in my book

Has anyone see a commercial or visited this site: It’s all about high fructose corn syrup and how it has not been proven to be any more linked to obesity rates than sugar and both are similarly metabolized by the body.

Ok, first off – i love how the Corn Refiners Association is behind this PR. The commercial doesn’t say it’s good for you – in fact it says you should use it in moderation. High Fructose Corn Syrup is in so many of the foods we eat that it is hard to even do that.  They mention that many of the recent findings lack scientific evidence and that they find that high fructose corn syrup does not contribute to obesity any differently than sugar.  Does that mean it’s good for you though?

Did you know that High Fructose Corn Syrup according to this site has many benefits for the manufacturers of the food??

High fructose corn syrup is used in foods and beverages because of the many benefits it offers. In addition to providing sweetness at a level equivalent to sugar,(1) High fructose corn syrup enhances fruit and spice flavors in foods such as yogurt and spaghetti sauces, gives chewy breakfast bars their soft texture and also protects freshness. High fructose corn syrup keeps products fresh by maintaining consistent moisture

On the other side of the fence, which I am on, does not give me any doubt as to High Fructose Corn Syrup being One of the contributing factors in the rising obesity rates —

the double danger of High Fructose Corn Syrup

These experiments should give us pause when we consider the great increase in the use of high fructose corn syrup during the past 30 years, particularly in soft drinks, fruit juices and other beverages aimed at growing children, children increasingly likely to be copper deficient as modern parents no longer serve liver to their families. (Liver is by far the best source of copper in human diets.)

“The bodies of the children I see today are mush,” observed a concerned chiropractor recently. The culprit is the modern diet, high in fructose and low in copper-containing foods, resulting in inadequate formation of elastin and collagen–the sinews that hold the body together.

I do not need to be a scientist or a member of the Corn Association to see the correlation between high sugar food and obesity rates. It’s common sense — you decide for yourself.