12 years strong

12 years ago today, I married one of the greatest people I have ever met. We met at Aol. in Tucson, Arizona and from our first date on – we knew we would be together forever. I truly believe that when you find your perfect fit, you just know it – Scotty is my perfect fit.

I look at this picture on the left and realize how little we knew. We were so young.  We went to Las Vegas to get married April 25,1998 – the start of our “official” lives together –

Who would have thought back then – bright eyed, young and full of adventure – we would be where we are now.  We have been through so much together — great, great times and really, really and I mean really hard ones too. We have been to Disney way too many times together but each time – Scott astounds me with his kid like quality. We have been lucky enough to have created 2 of the most amazing children we have ever met and Yes, I recognize the bias but whatever! I laugh more when I am with him, I feel safe when I am with him, and I feel happy with him in my life.

After 12 years, I still look at Scotty and feel love.
