Happy 6th Birthday Baby Nate!

6 years ago today Nathaniel Ryan Hoaglund was born. When he arrived he was whiter than anything I have ever seen. His hair and eyebrows were so white, it didn’t even look like he had any. From that day forward, life has been more fun and meaningful for our family. From the moment we started to meet his personality, he has had us laughing.

From the funny face he would make when he before he was 12 months old when we asked him to make it, to the “stealing” incidents – I have never laughed so hard.  Even this morning, I was telling him some memories from his birth and he says: Mommy, you keep talking and talking and talking. And then smiles at me like he knows he’s funny. Or the time I got mad at him and without any prompting he looked me in the eye and said: Mommy, I love you so much, and you are so pretty and I like your dress. The kid was like 4 YEARS old!

He loves to snuggle, and is really inquisitive and fearless at times. He makes friends easily and is easy going. The other day I took him for ice cream and I said – what if they don’t have what you want? He said: then I will get something else. Every day I learn something new about him.

He’s a good boy that likes to be naughty at times – which as long as it’s legal – keeps life interesting. I love my Baby Nate. And he will always be my baby. He asks Even when I live with someone else? I say YES – Always. Even when I am like 6 ft tall and taller than you? Yes – Always.

Happy Birthday Nate Dogg!
