Join me in a challenge – 3000 push-ups in 30 days

Along with a few of my friends, I am going to do 100 a push ups a day for 30 days to participate in a 3000 push-ups in 30 days challenge. The push-ups don’t have to be done all at once. Maybe I will do 50 in the AM and 50 in the PM. Or do some mid afternoon. I will see what works for me. I want you to join too. If you don’t think you can do 100, then do 20, do 30 – doesn’t matter how many just that you do the every day, consistently and correctly. Push-ups are a great exercise to do – you are using your own body weight, you can do them with no equipment. They are a great core exercise that also works shoulders, arms, chest.

If you are saying to yourself – “I can’t do push-ups“, I call b.s. on that. The only way to get better at push-ups is to DO PUSH-UPs. Even if it’s 2 done correctly, the next time you will do 3… That’s how it works – stick with it, work at it!

From: here some info on how to do a proper push-up. If you want to see it in action visit their site and they have a video.

Push-up Technique. Assume the Push-up starting position with your elbows locked. Lower yourself by bending your elbows until your chest almost touches the floor. Come back up by pushing through the floor.

  • Hand Position. Don’t take your hands out to wide. Put your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Hands turned out 45°.
  • Tuck Your Elbows. Easier on your shoulders. Keep your elbows at a 45° angle to your body during Push-ups.
  • Push Your Abs Out. Straight line from shoulders to ankles. Push your abs out as if someone was going to punch you in the stomach.
  • Squeeze Your Glutes. Push your abs out while squeezing your glutes hard. Both will avoid any hyper-extension of your lower back.
  • Tuck Your Chin. Lead with your chest, not with your head. Your neck must stay inline with the rest of your spine. Don’t look forward.

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