What if I didn’t workout?

This is me this morning after a 4.5mil run on the W&OD trail. It was hot and humid and great.

I have had a lot on mind lately both personally and professionally that I am finding these runs really help me quiet the thoughts in my head, at least temporarily.

On a different topic – last night I watched the season finale of Housewives of New York. For those that do watch it, I really related to the Bethenny and Jill situation. I have been going through a similar situation in my life, the ending of what used to be a close relationship. It’s amazing how people can change in the course of a few years. I  know “change” is not even a word for what I have done – transform is probably a better way to phrase it. Scott tells me relationships have peaks and valleys which I know is true but if you think about where you are in your life – and how many people come and go in your life -some relationships don’t survive the valleys.

I’m not sure where this one will end but it really has crushed me and I am not sure I can get past where we are..  It’s been a rough week – post chemo appt,  craziness/stress at work, and personal relationship turmoil all wrapped up into one. Thank God I do work out – I can’t imagine what I would be like if I didn’t.