Cancer in America

Lance Armstrong ‘I’m Here As Long As I Need To Be Here’ |

His advice to survivors

Surround yourself with positive people. People can be “pumps” or “drains,” he says, and in the wake of cancer, “there’s only room for those who can pump you up. It doesn’t help to be around anyone who is a drain on your energy, time or spirit.”

On his motto ”live strong”

It’s meaningful to the cyclist that people – both survivors and those untouched by cancer – have now embraced the words “live strong” in ways that go beyond the disease. “Live strong,” he says, “has become a new twist on carpe diem [seize the day]. People say, ‘I want to lose fifty pounds, get straight A’s, quit smoking. I want to live strong.’”

On his ongoing work in the fight against cancer

“People ask how Livestrong is doing,” he says, “and I catch myself telling them, ‘It’s going great!’ But at the end of the day, it’s not going great because cancer is still here. And so I’ve made a commitment. I’m here as long as we need to be here. I’m not going home until we’re done.”