Monday’s Workout is a wrap

Most of the group is back from various trips, injuries and vacations! It’s always great to workout with the usual group – we just are all in synch. I feel much better after 3 days away from camp. I had more energy and strength. I am now a FIRM believer in rest and recovery.

The actual workout below is the Silver standard with the exception of the hang clean snatch. My regular group did 65lbs and I did 45lbs. It still felt like a great workout and I was able to actually do many in succession which is usually not possible when I do 65lbs.  Sometimes you do what you gotta do…even when your coach makes comments about you using a ‘practice bar’ .

Warmup x2
rockette kicks
backwards lunges

Core Work x2
pilate half pikes
bicycle (up and down with your shoulders)
general stretching
25 bottom up push-ups

45lb hang snatch
heavy jump ropes x4
box jumps x2
25lb kettle bell swings x2