Start the week workout with 200m OH run – is it fun?

Happy Monday right? As long as I have been getting up at o’dark thirty, you would think it would be easier but it isn’t. I still wake up on Mondays with the ‘it can’t be 5a yet feeling‘.  I get up anyway because I know I will feel great once I am there and then- even better when I am done! There was some serious raccoon screeching outside my window last nite at around 3a — scared the crap out of me and made it that much harder to get my butt up this morning!

rockette kicks
back walking lunge

good mornings
25 bottom up push-ups
general stretching

checkpoint push-ups
20lb db lunge squats x2
100m bounding/primal walk
200m run with 25lb plate OH
65lb back squats

There is something about doing a farmer’s run that feels like torture to me. Whether it’s holding 2 25lb dbs in your hands and running or holding a 25lb plate OH and running — there is a real reason that farmer’s use wheel barrels. There is no fun to be found in doing it — it is probably one of my least favorite exercises to do.