A Weather Induced Mini Workout for You!

Scotty and I went out on a dinner date last nite — and did some errands while we were out. One of the things we started doing after he got sick was to ensure we spent some ‘alone’ time together. So we would go out once a week on a ‘date’. Nothing fancy — usually dinner.  Things in our lives were so stressful and emotional back then, it was nice to have something that was normal and stable to look forward to.  Our regular babysitter is now in High School and into sports, so he isn’t as available as he used to be so we are trying out different neighborhood kids out for a few hours on certain weeknights. It works out great because their parents are home and they live on our street so if it was a true emergency — an adult is available. Also the kids all have cell phones and text us with any questions — so it’s super easy.

I will let you in on a little secret too — most of our babysitters are the neighborhood boys. I believe it’s an untapped market.  The boys on our street are kids we have known since they were little. We know their parents and it’s a really good ‘job’ for them. My kids are already in the pjs and fed when they come over and they get to hang out for a little while — we get home at a decent hour and they make some cash. Win/Win Situation for everyone. And I like that my kids get to experience a male figure displaying what has for the most part always been considered a female role. Times are changing  — so should babysitters.

So we went out for Indian food — talked about my upcoming trip to San Francisco and anything else that came up. I highly recommend a regular date night for busy parents. We busy parents tend to forget that we have to put work into our marriage in order for us to remain connected and committed.  Just like anything that’s worth it — for an exercise program to work you need to be connected and committed too!

It’s cold and icy here in Northern Virginia today. So they canceled school which means i have to work from home with a house full of kids. Should be interesting — Have a great day and don’t let the weather stop you or deter you from your fitness goal today. If you want the goal bad enough — nothing will stand in your way.

If you are stuck inside today — you can do this mini workout:

5 Rounds

Rest 30s
push ups
Rest 30s
air squats
2min rest between each round

Record your total reps each round and the lowest rep round is recorded. There is no equipment needed for any of the above exercises so no weather excuses!!