Valentine’s Day is for Indian Food

Hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day. It’s such a funny holiday to me — you find people who love the holiday, dress all in red totally embracing the romance and joy of it all and then those that refuse to acknowledge that it’s anything more than a regular day.  I’m kind of in the middle — it’s nice to acknowledge the holiday, especially when you have kids but romance and love are things that should be shown all the time in a relationship — it’s hard when the push and pull of life happen but it’s important to not lose sight of it. I have to remind myself of that all the time — I am sure I’m not alone.

We also discovered that Valentine’s Day is a big order Indian food day apparently. We had a repairman at our house into the evening so decided to order Indian and the place was packed — with people picking up their orders. Who knew — Chinese for Christmas, Indian for Valentine’s Day. Learn something new every day…

One of my inspirations Mel from The Clothes Make the Girl talks about what she calls hormone poisoning: the monthly moodiness, food cravings, and motivational slump caused by girly hormones (or the annoying lack thereof) — well i am full swing of that and it just pisses me off because it obviously affects everything including my motivation to get up each and every morning. I am thankful that I am well trained to just jump out of bed when the alarm goes off — but it also affects my ‘game’. My performance overall is off — and I have to remind myself that there are ‘darker’ forces at work –but think about it – mentally I’m off so even with me telling myself its not me, it doesnt register properly.

35lb KB Swings (10)
33lb OH Squats (10)
PVC Pass Thrus

Mobility Band stretches

20 DUs
10 24in Box Jump

I did a combo of DUs/Jump Ropes. It really is true the more you do them, the better you get — so as frustrating as it is to just keep trying under the 15m timelimit it does pay off. I decided to do 20 DU attempts which translates into a combo of JR and DUs —

Also – Conan advised me to do a Kip Swing while doing the KTEs and boy, it made all the difference! Keeping your arms and core tight also helps with not swinging like a crazy person while doing it. It really is all about technique!

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