Western diet associated with depression

Western diet associated with depression : Winston Chung : City Brights.

My brother sent me this yesterday from San Fran — and although the paper only suggests that a ‘western diet’ may contribute to some people’s bout with depression — I am going to to say that I definitely think it does. So much has been studied about the effects of wheat and modern agriculture on us humans  that it’s hard to deny. You also feel like crap when you eat it — and if that’s the main staple of what you eat — how can you not be depressed. Mind/Body connection is something no one can deny —

A 2010 paper suggested that a ‘western diet’, composed mostly of meats, pizza, chips, hamburgers, white bread, sugar, flavored milk drinks and beer, was correlated with higher odds of depressive disorders in women. Conversely, a ‘traditional diet’, which was mainly fruit, vegetables, fish, meat and whole grains, was associated with lower odds of depression or anxiety disorders.Just as donuts and burgers are American, walnuts and fish aren’t a common stateside staple. The latter are where you might find omega-3 fatty acids, and supplementation with these ‘good’, polyunsaturated fats proved superior to placebo in reducing depressive symptoms in a randomized, controlled trial of over 400 subjects. A study published last month found an association between omega-3 deficiency and depressive and anxious behaviors in mice.
