Day: April 7, 2011

  • CrossFit Creates Bad Girls

    CrossFit likes bad girls. Hell, CrossFit creates bad girls. Pick the weight up. Throw the weight down. Swear out loud if you want to. Stand in a room with a bunch of half-naked hot bodies. Wear overpriced pants that make your ass look and feel fantastic. Sweat. Breathe heavy. Finish. Lay on the floor, exhausted,…

  • Finding your ‘CrossFit’

    This weather is great and perfect for working out. Other than allergies, I love springtime in Virginia. I also love ‘springtime’ in Arizona –which is where i will be heading in a few short weeks for spring break. Heat, sun and time to recharge — Warmupx2 run around bldg 1x sampson stretch 10 pass thrus…