Double Unders

I realized on my way to a Girl Scout bridging ceremony how freakin tired I was yesterday. Little miss ‘Kelly’ took all the energy I had so by the end of the day, all i wanted to do is go to bed. But as fellow parents know – when you work full time during the day at your ‘professional’ job, coming home is really starting your other job. Granted, its rewarding, loving, etc — but you can’t ignore that it’s another job – and in many ways, even harder. With that in mind, there are days when all I want to do after work is get under some covers and go to sleep.  But family time is next, then dinner, activities – baths, prepping for tomorrow. Sleep comes many many hours later.  I am positive I am not alone in this — and on most days, I’m cool with it. It’s my life and totally worth it. Last night was just an ‘off’ night —

Well that off night also caused an off morning and for a brief moment I thought to myself — stay in bed. But I am glad I didn’t listen to the sleep monster and I got up and headed out. Coach Jerry has been one of my biggest supporters and I love his training mixed with gymnastics, so if I am wanting to take a rest day — not on one of his coaching days.

25 Jumping Jacks
5 Head Rotations
5 Trunk Rotations
5 Cherry Pickers
5 Hip Rotations
5 Shoulder Rotations

Ring Work

10 Push Ups
10 Ring Dips
25 Double Unders

Guess what? I did Rx’d and finished in 18:26. My DU’s weren’t perfect but they are getting better!!
