Great Opportunities

I have been lucky enough this 4th of July holiday to get to see some friends that I haven’t seen in a while — I love the kind of friends that even though you haven’t seen them in a while, it’s like you pick up exactly where you left off. They just get you — Our lives are so busy and it’s hard to sometimes remember how great it is to slow down and go meet a friend for coffee or stop by their house for a quick glass of vino. I don’t do nearly enough of it and that has to change! I need to get out more — reconnect with the great people I have all around me.

I have talked about this before — hanging around healthy, positive people is the way to go. It really is the kind of thing that contagious. We all have problems — no one grew up with the perfect family. Some don’t talk about it and some put it all out there like it’s laundry.  And some learn to acknowledge and embrace it for what it was, and what they learned from it. Even more people never really get over it.  And for me, hanging out with the right kind of people — who value themselves and those around them — has been one of the greatest gifts and opportunities ever given to me.
