All the ‘single’ ladies…well at least 2

I heard an interesting question on the radio this morning — If you could, would you use a life reset button? Start over, redo your life — it’s definitely a question that doesn’t have an easy answer – at least for me. There are things that happen in your life that you wish wouldn’t have, and things that you are glad did. Erasing it all –re-doing what you call your life. Isn’t the culmination of all that happened to you make you the you of today?  And if you erased it all –would your life even be better? Hmmm…

My hands are still ripped up from the kipping pull up clinic on Sunday — they burn whenever I try to pumice them down. Oh the life of an athlete should not include whining about it — or should it? This athlete does —

My friend Kim I made it to camp this morning and the reason that makes me so happy is that Kim has been going through a tough time and discovered CrossFit Impavidus through a mutual friend of ours –who is the overall definition of CrossFit. Even his name — SVEN — conjures up visions of big man, big weights.  Sven knew Kim was going through a rough time and encouraged her –well being honest– dragged her to a Saturday class to help her get out of her funk and take advantage not only of all the physical benefits of CrossFit, but the emotional and community aspect as well. I met her that first day, and knew automatically she and I were going to be friends. I am sure she was thinking, this overly friendly lady scares me. I get that a lot.

I also get that for some it’s not so easy to make the accommodations that need to be made to get your butt to CF –for whatever reason. But not being easy and not at all do-able are NOT the same thing.  So she realized that she needs to get her butt here in the AM for her own sanity and sure enough she came this AM and will be making it here on Thursday as well. How did she do it? She asked for help. Whether it’s asking your kids, your spouse, your neighbor, your friends — sometimes it takes creativity but it can be done and has to be done for you to be on the path to living fit and sore!

sampson stretch
10 pass thrus
10 Whirly Birds
10 Bendy Whirly Birds
10 Pull ups (yeah, I did 5 bc of my hands)
10 Ring Dips
20 DUs/50 SUs

Skill (It’s Coach Jerry so Gymnastics)
KB swings
note: I need to start challenging myself to not use the wall for Handstands. Jerry would not let us today and I notice that I do indeed use it as a crutch to re-adjust myself often.

150 KB Swings (1pd/1.5pd)
25 situps each time you put the KB down to rest!
time: 7:30

I ended up doing 125 sit ups total. I actually like sit ups so to me, resting was not at all torture. Kinda reverse psychology but that’s probably just me.

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