Coach Nate: Doesn’t Have To be Fun, To Be Fun

Here’s a pic of some of the CrossFit Impavidus chicks with Coach Nate. Many of our athletes are military and have to leave for extended periods of time. Well, it’s Nate’s turn which makes me very sad. In CrossFit – you meet a lot of people but it’s rare that you meet someone with as much passion and heart as Nate.  He loves CrossFit, loves to coach and combined — that makes a great coach. He really gets to know his athletes, shares info, researches his methods and pushes you. I wish he was able to coach more in the mornings, since that’s the only time I can make work reliably but when I did get to workout with him — it was great. Now when I say great — annoying, hard, challenging Great.  This quote sums it up:  Doesn’t Have To be Fun, To Be Fun

I will miss Coach Nate – but because we are both passionate about this stuff, we are friends forever. Hate to break that to him, so maybe he will read it here!

Good Mornings
10 Pass thrus
10 Whirly Birds
Standing Hamstring Stretch
Sitting Hamstring Stretch

Good Mornings
Walking Handstands (w Spotter)

4 rounds for time of:
400 m Run
20 Sit-up (abmat)s
20 Good Mornings
20 Knees-to-elbows
time: 21:15 (eh, not the greatest but I will take it)
