Self Magazine talks CrossFit Games

Meet the “Fittest Female On Earth”

Self Magazine isn’t exactly the role model of fitness/health/wellness magazines, but any press about CrossFit and how it can help set you on a path to wellness is good press.

The toughest part of the weekend- not knowing what’s in store. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program that develops competence in ten areas of fitness: cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. Life is unpredictable, so part of CrossFit’s methodology is to train athletes (yep, even if we’re not competing, we’re all athletes at some level) for any task necessary and the Rebook CrossFit games tested just that… workouts were not announced until just before each event!

This year’s fittest female on Earth recommends a clean diet. Not only will it help fuelworkouts, but it will keep the body lean. “Try to choose as little processed food as possible. Know what you’re putting into your body,” Annie says. But don’t worry about being overly strict, even Annie indulges in dark chocolate, “I have it every single day!”
