The CrossFit Lifestyle

Have you read this yet? I don’t like the word Cult — I prefer the word lifestyle.

Inside the Cult of CrossFit
The world’s hottest new workout system is also the most controversial. Are you ready to join the WOD squad?

 THE APPEAL OF CROSSFIT—A CONDITIONING program that mixes Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, calisthenics, gymnastics, sprints, plyometrics, and a few hard-to-categorize exercises like rope climbing—is that the workouts are short, intense, and constantly changing. So they were nothing like the long, monotonous, and unsatisfying workouts I’d been doing for most of my adult life.

IT TOOK JUST A FEW CLASSES TO UNDERSTAND why my ex was crazy for CrossFit. As bad as it feels when you’re halfway through a WOD, you know it’ll be over soon. And you know you’ll make it to the end because no one is allowed to quit. That’s one reason it’s so exhilarating. Another is the camaraderie. You’re not really competing with your fellow CrossFitters as much as competing against yourself, and everyone in the room wants you to win.

And CrossFit is everywhere now. I counted 10 affiliates near my apartment in downtown Vancouver. I decided to try CrossFit Westside, which is within walking distance.
