Fish Oil and other things…

Part of the challenge has us taking Fish Oil every day.  Or as my southern CrossFit friends say — Fish ULL. There are a ton of benefits to taking fish oil — you can read all about them here

If you want to improve you mental ability, then check out the benefits of using high DHA fish oil. When extra DHA is included in your fish oil, you will find that your cognitive skills improve and that your memory becomes sharper as well. That’s because DHA fish oil contains docosahexaenoic acid, which is the scientific term for DHA. DHA is found in the brain, so fish oil containing this fatty acid of the Omega-3 grouping is received by the brain quite easily.

So I have been taking it — the recommended dosage is:

The recommended minimum dose is 100mg of EPA and DHA combined for every 10# of bodyweight. For example, a 150# person would take 1500mg of combined EPA and DHA. 

So if I appear more alert and sharper, you know we can thank Fish Oil. Should be interesting…

Today’s workout was a doozy –once again CrossFit makes it look like it’s not that bad but once you are in the middle of it — yeah it’s a challenge!!

5 Wall Walks
5 Shoot thrus
10 Up and Down
10 Grasshoppers
roller ball
band stretches

tabata sprints – no scoring

10 KB swings 35lb
10 sit ups
time: 2:48
