How do you know the difference?

Ok – so I went ahead and worked out this AM –but I definitely didn’t push myself. I am so trained in using fitness as a stress release that it is extremely difficult for me to NOT exercise. I will say this though — I am sore and I am going to go with lighter weights for a while and take an extra day this week to rest. That is progress for me —

One of the reasons I wrote that Eeyore post yesterday was I have been feeling down on myself. I have been allowing myself to slip on my eating –I’m not talking about an all out drop it on the floor eating–but snacks here and there. I also have seen a lack of progress in my improvement and it’s getting me bummed out. I’m not looking for the pep talk or anything — I am trying to force myself to see things differently. I don’t NEED to be perfect –heck we all know that ain’t gonna happen anyway. But I have this vision in my head of what i look like, who I am, what I am capable of and I don’t want to lower my expectations because I am struggling. I WILL lower then if they are unattainable but how do you know the difference?

I struggle with this — do I go heavy with the weights and struggle through it knowing I am going to get stronger or do I go lower so that I can push through and FEEL like I got a workout in? It’s the same with life in general — do you stay away from creating meaningful friendships and relationships because they are tougher to deal with and only skim the surface because you can FEEL like you have people around you. Marriage, friendships, work relationships can be hard work –they definitely take WORK all the time and it’s the same with your relationship with yourself. You have to work at it — challenge yourself mentally, physically, emotionally or you don’t grow. Deep thoughts for this morning right?

100m jog
Dynamic Stretching
100m sprint

Burgener Warmup

CrossFit Chick: Isabel
30 Snatches 135#
I did 55# – 2:48

800m run

Now no excuses, but when it’s cold out –my asthma kicks in and it’s harder to run — so I actually did worse this time out by 10s! Oy vey.

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