Sleep is NOT over-rated!

The picture on the left is amazing athlete Christmas Abbott. Xmas is a CrossFit seminar trainer and CrossFit Games competitor. I met her during the Mid-Atlantic regional CrossFit Games competition and we have been in touch ever since. What I found during that competition was that the CrossFit community isn’t a bunch of fakes. They are genuinely nice, amazing, and diverse people who got into this “CrossFit” thing many different ways but in the end — form a supportive, competitive community.

I have been running a nutrition challenge for my CrossFit box the past 6 weeks and I asked a bunch of diverse CF coaches to send words of inspiration to share with the athletes participating. She was one of the many that have sent me great, motivational words that have helped these athletes make it through the past few weeks, which has not been easy. Many of them are making real changes here — first time in a long time — but man they are seeing the results! It’s the best part of being at CrossFit –meeting new people and seeing them literally transform in front of your eyes! I love it — nothing like it in the world.

Today is a rest day. I almost got up and went (crazy I know) but I am forcing myself to rest more. My body needs to recover and I can see that in my lack of progress during some of the workouts. My shoulders also hurt from the last 2 days of KB Swings and Snatches — sleep is not over-rated!!