Fitness and Fun!

I went to a special oly (Olympic) lifting session today with my pal Coach Nate who is in town for the holidays. What a great coach — and I don’t say that lightly. His passion for coaching is evident. One thing I have realized after today’s session — I have never been coached before in a real sense. Remember, I didn’t grow up doing team sports, having a coach help me, tweak my form – so I had to remind myself that what Nate was doing was coaching, not criticizing me.

And don’t get me wrong – I loved it. It’s mentally challenging for me and physically so it’s like a rush. Small tweaks to your form can make all the difference (ok, sometimes they aren’t small tweaks but who is counting!)

Oly Lifting Session



xroundsof 7

clean squat
clean & jerk
front squat
clean & Jerk

2 rounds (miserable rounds!)

Then yes, I stayed for the 10a workout like a freakin crazy person! I was there and it was there –so why not, right?

Dynamic Stretching
2 rounds 800m Indian Runs


FGB style 3 rounds, 1m stations

1 pood KB SDHP
65# Push Press
Jumping Rope
Wall Ball Shots
Box Jumps

I was so tired that I didn’t bother counting reps, but did complete the 3 rounds. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to continue on after the Oly Lift but I love Saturday workouts. You meet  new people and see people you don’t normally get to workout with — so it’s fitness and fun at the same time! Whoo hooo!!
