Happy New Year – 2012

What can I say about last year — it was a great year for me. I met some of the most inspiring, supportive people and had more fun than I have had in years.  I made major progress in my fitness training, got my CrossFit Level 1 certification,  spent time with family and friends, got rid of some of the less than healthy influencers in my life and broke free from some of my hangups.  We officially hit the remission milestone in Scotty’s cancer journey, my husband is still my best friend, both of my kids are happy and healthy, met some amazing women who have shown me the benefit of true support and friendship and met a few guys who have helped whip my ass during training.  I live a great life —

Oh and I learned how to do a cartwheel this year — thanks to Coach Jerry.  Doesn’t get much better than that!

Now that it’s 2012 – It’s time to refocus my energy on eating healthy, working out smarter, and taking my recovery time seriously.

As for my family – focus on having more fun, creating memories and enjoying the moments we have together. Life is so precious and short and it’s way too easy to lose sight of that when you are in the thick of living it.

Career-wise – it’s time to not settle and begin to demand what I deserve. I will leave it at that —

I wish everyone who reads this blog, another year of inspiration, support and hope. I am not special. I am just like the rest of masses out there. I just choose to commit to living healthy and fit, for myself, for my husband, and especially for my kids. I sometimes take the harder routes in my journey but I always find my way back because I committed to living this way – no excuse will be a good enough reason for me to sway too far off the trail for too long. I have worked too hard, met too many amazing people, and feel too damn good to stop now.

Leading by example is the best way to show that it should and can be done. You can do it too!


One response to “Happy New Year – 2012”

  1. Congrats on getting your CF certification AND a cartwheel this year. That is totally AWESOME. Hope 2012 is off-the-charts wonderful for you and your family.