Workout & Laugh More

Yesterday’s total rep count was 110 dead hang pull ups and 110 burpees. Yowsa! Now people, that is ALOT of reps and I am feeling it! I was very happy that today’s workout was not upper body and I asked Coach Nick if we could do some mobility beforehand to help loosen my shoulders.

Bear Crawls
Heel to Butt
Walking Lunges
Toe Touches
Broad Jumps

Double Unders


5 rounds for time of:

30 Sit-up (abmat)s

10 Box Jump (24 in.)s

30 Double Unders

Post total time = 16:13

I struggled through the Double Unders for the entire workout which is why my time is a bit longer than I would like.  Practice makes better and it’s been way too long to figure these out! This will be my year for the Double Under!

I love this pic of my Mom and Hannah. It captures my mom’s great laugh and we all need to laugh more —
