Coaching is all about Perspective

Last night, I headed to CrossFit Rubicon to drop in to one of their strength training sessions. I had no idea what to expect and did feel a bit intimidated when I first got there. Each CF is individually owned so you do get a variety in training philosophies. It’s good to switch it up and get different perspectives on your performance.  The coaches were really nice and experienced — I loved it.

We did a warmup:
10 pass thrus
10 inchworm/supermans
5 scorpions
10 ring dips
20 KB swings
5 Dead Hang Pull ups
10 push ups
15 Squats

 Skill: Cleans, Cleans and More Cleans!

I really enjoyed the coaching and need it for my cleans. Having a new coach look at what you are doing and give you cues or corrections that may be the key to getting the lift right or not.  Coach Chef even video’d and played back my friend Kim’s lift in slow motion so we could see exactly the areas she needs to improve upon.

One thing I find interesting is how different perspectives can be. For me, getting coaching like this is like eating candy. I love it — eat it up — want to learn more. I don’t think that someone deconstructing what I am doing is them saying ‘you suck’ or ‘what the heck is wrong with you’. I  love it and appreciate the time they are taking. I feel special actually. Here is a very experienced athlete giving me their time to help me improve.

My friend Kim was starting to feel down on herself after they were pointing out some areas she needs to work on – until I stopped her and shared my point of view. I can totally see where she’s coming from but I look at it like this — What other women who have never lifted like this before are in this box at 7p on a Thursday night working on this? Many people would say you are crazy but here we are — working on ourselves. Learning something new. No one gets something right in the beginning unless they are a freak of nature. Practice makes Better!

Today’s workout was all about the core. Keeping proper form. Keeping your Hollow Rock form gives you the sturdy base to do most of the basic moves.

400m run (in the freezing cold wind)
10 squats
10 Push Ups
10 ring Rows
25 DUs

L-sits on the Rings


Four rounds of:

0:30 Max Burpees, 0:30 off

0:30 Max Double Unders, 0:30 off

0:30 Max Dead Hang Pull ups, 0:30 off

I struggled with the DUs. Total 70!