Can you be a Vegan?

Never thought about being a Vegan –have you?


The Vegan Experiment

Here is what I know…If you don’t eat meat I can’t help you. In fact, not only should you eat meat…you should eat a ton of meat! I don’t think you’ll get any worthwhile results by eating a vegan or a vegetarian diet.

Here is what I know…wait…I don’t know a damn thing! Have I ever cut meat out of my diet? Have I ever relied on vegetables alone to fuel my body? Have I ever really experienced any of these things I am preaching to my clients about not eating meat? How could I be so certain that not eating meat is so bad for you?

I have literally said it all: You cannot get stronger as a vegan. You will not be able to lean out. Your performance in the gym won’t improve. You just can’t really build muscle without meat!