Post-traumatic stress and Cancer caregivers

i’m taking a bunch of days off to really rest and recover — starting yesterday through Sunday I am really going to step away from hard core exercise and see if that brings me back to the point where I feel good about heading to workout. I love it and it’s part of who I am but I have been pretty down about my overall progress and performance and I seriously think its due to overtraining. I have had a lot of stress the past few months and a lot of it overbubbled this week with the news the other day.

My friend told me that I probably have a bit of  post-traumatic stress due to the cancer treatment we as a family endured. I had never thought of it that way but it makes sense.
Why Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Is One of Cancer’s Hidden Tolls
Experiencing cancer, either personally or as a caregiver, is a harrowing experience in and of itself. However, cancer’s effects aren’t always limited to the symptoms of the disease itself. It can also take a mental and emotional toll in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder.

It seriously never occurred to me until she mentioned it but makes total sense – I do subconsciously avoid certain people that remind me of it and whenever I hear of someone else battling it — I do tend to get very emotional and distracted.  So I am going to take it easy the next few days — treat myself with care — recover and get back it.