Happy Valentine’s Day to you

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! Personally I don’t like consumer created holidays like this. You should treat the people in your life well year round and tell them you love them as much as possible. Life is too damn short not too. But if you do like the schmultzy holidays like this — well then Happy Valentine’s Day to you. Wear Red, eat candy hearts, buy flowers – and don’t forget to treat yourself as well. Your body deserves a good workout, no matter how you get it! Enjoy!

Today was a strength day which means it scares people off. These are the days you should get your butt in the gym — they make you stronger!!

50 dus
25ft inchworms
50ft bear crawl
100ft walking lunges

mobility work
front squat

Front Squat
max 155#/Failed at 160#
Tabata Push Ups = 70

I’m having a rough week mentally – not workout wise just life in general. Sometimes it’s just hard to deal with some of the crap life throws at you –

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