Don’t Let It Stop You

I’m feeling pretty good even though I still have the remnants of the chest cold making itself known. My allergies are also kickin in, gotta love Spring in Northern VA and then add in my asthma and CrossFit Impavidus is undergoing major construction, expanding, so there is a ton of drywall dust in the air. Oh the fun I am having.  It’s not stopping me though —

I was talking to a fellow athlete this morning about how yesterday, we both felt great. We had great workouts and just overall felt good. We both haven’t felt that for a while –and then we did today’s workout! Yowsa! It’s one of those, oh this looks ok and then it kicks you in the ass.

1 lap jog

Frogger Jumps
broad jumps
High Knees
Inch worms

Squat Cleans


20min AMRAP

4 Dead-Hang Pull Ups or Ring Rows
8 Squat Cleans (135/95)
10 Jumping Lunges

I did 2 dead hangs, then switched to ring rows.

Rounds: 8+4 Ring Rows 
