Routine is the Comfort Food of Life

Routine is the Comfort Food of Life

I’m back at it –It’s Monday and I got up and headed for my morning killing –oh I mean CrossFit. I had no idea what the workout was and I many times prefer it that way. It’s part of the mystery and allure of it all — I will do whatever it is regardless – so bring it.

There is something really nice about stability and routine though. It’s like comfort food in life. In fact it is the truest definition of comfort and it’s why so many people stay stuck in cycles that are less than ideal. They play it safe, don’t ever make it out of their bubble. It’s comfy and cozy — at least they think it is until one day Life comes along and pokes a hole in that bubble and they are not prepared to handle what happens.  So during the course of today, think about ways you can step outside of what you consider your safe zone and see how it feels. The more you do it –the easier it becomes!

Doing something different is all it takes –it can be that class you have wanted to take: sign up for it! or eating different at lunch today: do it! Whatever — make a positive, conscious decision to do something different today!

I took almost the entire week off last week from exercising!! I did Krav Maga on Sunday, then was away, and back at it on Friday – Saturday off and yesterday was Krav Maga again.  You know what? I feel good. Rest is an important component of overall fitness and sometimes taking an extended break allows your body to repair itself and you get stronger.  I didn’t sit on my ass all week either mind you, but I wasn’t in the CrossFit gym working my ass off.

I have noticed that I am getting stronger –my strict pull ups are up to 6+ and my push ups are looking good. Coach Jerry asked me this AM —when did you learn how to do push ups (sarcasm)!  Ahh — love the love from a coach.  And two people recently have told me I am looking thinner in the mid-section again! All positive reinforcements that help fuel my drive to push more.  I think I want to start learning the muscle up progressions again and of course — I need to focus, focus, focus on Double Unders. I need to really buckle down and practice ten minutes a day – I am close to getting it all strung together but it’s not going to come without some work! There is always something to work on!


  • 100 single jump ropes
  • 5min of double unders
  • DROM

Power Cleans


  • 15 Power Clean (95/75)
  • 25 Double Unders
  • 10 Push Ups

4+ Rounds at 65# and single jump ropes (75)
