You are Better Than You Were Yesterday

Appreciating the signs of success

This morning before my 6A workout, I stopped one of the 5A athletes who I have been keeping my eye on for a while to tell her she is looking fantastic. Her eyes widened and a big smile came across her face –she said thanks, i have lost 15kilos. I laughed and said — I have no idea what that means in kilos but you look great. She laughed and said about 14#. Now we were talking my language!! That’s a lot of friggin weight — in one month.

I asked what she has been doing –she said she cut out crap and trying to stay mostly paleo but not perfect –which is the right way to go about it because who in the world is perfect? She has cut out grains, pasta, alcohol and cringed when she told me how she hasn’t had any potato chips –her personal poison.

Then the question I asked: Can I take your picture? I want to give you some proper shout outs for this — and she cringed and said she hates having her picture taken.  I asked if she had read all the chatter around the blog post: The Mom Stays in the Picture about a whole generation of Moms who hate seeing what they look like in pics so much that they purposely steer clear of having their image taken. It went on to talk about how detrimental this is not only for us, but for our kids and our memories.  We really are our own worst enemies and harshest critics — no one else thinks we are gross looking or notices the crap we do when we see ourselves in a pic.  We have to learn to just let it go — accept who we are and realize how important it is to set an example for our daughters and sons about how we value ourselves.

So, yes I gave her a short ‘lecture’ about it and said — I am not asking, I am taking your picture. It’s posted on the CFI facebook page – but this is not about her as an individual. This is about all of us — and how we think about ourselves.

She has lost 14#s with focus and determination –that is SUCCESS in my book. Does she have some more work to do — who doesn’t?  But what I noticed talking with her was that she has not taken the time to give herself a high five pat on the back.  Isn’t making progress a success in and of itself?  It’s getting to a milestone in your journey and it’s a journey that NEVER should end.

I often hear athletes say I’m getting there or I’m making progress!  I want us all to acknowledge making a step closer to where we want to be is a success — many people take steps back or don’t move at all so when someone says to you – Great Job! Awesome! You Look Fantastic! or I’m so Proud of you! Say Thank you and enjoy the moment. You deserve that and acknowledge that you are better than you were yesterday!

10 passthroughs
100 single jumps
10 OHS
10 Front Squats

burgener warmup 



tabata situps 13 reps (lowest rep in any one round)


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