Do you have a partner in Clean?

Wonder Twins Powers Activate!

I have been feeling uninspired by my overall nutrition and have been working through some things that are out of balance and all of that combined has led me to not be on point with what I am putting in my body.

During my 5 mile  run with my friend on Saturday, I was able to talk through much of what I have been mulling about in my head. It’s always great to have a friend that is willing to listen and that’s all you need – not hard lined advice but an experienced perception to help you see things differently. Ultimately its in my corner to make changes and decisions to force the changes that I need to see and feel. I am thankful to have people like that in my life –no judging and genuinely want the best for me in my life.

So, yesterday this friend reached out to me and asked for help.  She needed help with motivation and focus on her nutrition goals and could feel herself slipping off the path —

“Hey i need some motivation. let’s u and i make a pact… Eat 100% clean for the next 48 hours… Deal?”

And I agreed! And we dubbed ourselves Partners In Clean – and for the next 48 hours we are going to eat clean, on point, just because it’s the right thing to do and it’s a challenge for us. 

The lesson here, kiddos, is never be afraid to reach out and ask for help.

  • If you need some motivation to get your butt off the couch and exercise, ask a friend or motivator for help.
  • Need help getting a project done at work – Ask for help!
  • Need help re-igniting and re-inspiring yourself to focus on your health and fitness goals? You got it – ASK FOR HELP!

Chances are the person you ask will be helped by helping you too!

Fitness: It’s a Rest Day! Yahoo!
