Change Doesn’t Happen Overnight

What makes me so crazy in the head that a day off sounds unreasonable at times?  And the crazier thing is I am not alone – something about the CrossFit formula gets inside the heads of the many athletes and we become programmed this way. Although I do have to say that as a general rule — I take two days a week off consistently. It just doesn’t seem that way because I am at CrossFit Impavidus a lot for other things.

I need to listen to my body when it clearly tells me to slow down and take it easy. There is a little voice in my head that is LOUD as heck that tries to convince me otherwise and I find myself listening to it sometimes. Yesterday, I clearly should have slept in and not gone to workout. I felt like crap the rest of the day –just off center and woozy. I think much of it stems from dehydration if I am being critical of the situation. I don’t drink enough water to counteract the physical activity I do. Period.  Today, I am going to focus on it and see if it makes a difference.

I read this short post yesterday that I think is valuable to share: How easily we are swayed

Then it hit me. There is no secret. It’s not magic. There is no quick easy way.

It’s a change. In how you eat, live, work, play and see yourself. You can’t expect for the change to happen overnight. You can’t expect it to be easy. You can’t expect it to not to hurt. You can’t expect someone to do it for you.

I caught myself comparing my progress and looks to others this weekend and realized I was doing it – which is some progress I guess. No one else can take this journey with us — it’s our own and we can walk, run, or tip toe through it.  We have to own the decisions and actions we take. They will show up whether we like it or not — put in the work, it will sway towards the positive. Half assing it will result in half ass results. The choice and work is ours.  It’s empowering and sucky at the same time. I wish there was a clapper for it — Clap and all is right with my world. But no such luck!


A rest morning was definitely needed this morning and appreciated. I feel better although sore –and am excited for Endurance class tonight. I went for a 1mile run this weekend and I gotta be honest –it wasn’t as bad as it has been. You do get better if you practice. And with the spring weather — I’m beyond happy to get outside and get some Vitamin D.


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