Sweat Angel Inducing Workout

I have had quite a lot of experience the past few months with change – and the phrase get comfortable being uncomfortable has been put to the test. First the changing of the gym, which in the end has turned out great. I have realized that I was not happy for quite some time but didn’t realize the cause until there was some space.  I am improving in ways I had not considered with strength training and meeting new people.

The only drawback for me is missing the community of people that I grew to love. I miss so many of them — they were my inspiration, my enjoyment and my support too. I know I will have that at Highbar but it takes time to develop. I am loving Highbar overall so I know it was the right choice for me. I feel renewed and challenged once again.

And other things in my life are kind of haywire this week. I don’t feel right complaining because in the big picture of life –the things going on are really not life and death situations. They are more about catching a break, being thrown a bone, having things work out. Seems the closer I get to some goals I have had for a while, the more barriers and battles I have to forge. There comes a point when you have to sit down and think — am I too tired for this? Is it worth it? What is the payoff? And how long am I willing to put up with things for the payoff?  I am really putting my trust in things happening for reasons and trusting the process and the lessons I am learning a long the way but sometimes, it just is so damn hard.

My friend Britt told me that you have to put on your big girl panties every day and realize that many people out there suck. They suck because of something not fulfilled in their own lives and it has nothing to do with you. She is right — I have a great life. My husband is cancer free! My kids are happy, healthy smart kids. My parents are both still active and alive — my brothers and sisters are all in my life. I have food to eat, a house, money in the bank, and my health. And I get to help and inspire others each and every day. I need to shut up and focus on those things and not on the downs that life sometimes throws me. I just for a while would like UPS with a break from the DOWNS.

sweat angel  from Highbar CrossFitWarmup
200m jog
10 squats
4 Sampson Stretch
4 Instep Lunges
10 squats

5×5 Deadlift 195#

20 Wall Balls
5 each arm DB Hang Snatch
200m run
time: 13:22


That WOD produced a good sweat angel as seen in this image!

