How Do You Want Your Kids To See Their World?

happyThere ain’t no rest for the wicked…even on a holiday, so up I got and headed in for my usual 6A workout. I thought I would be the only one there – but nope, there were three others! Yay but the workout was a tough one, so boo!

So, let’s post the workout details so I can get to what I really want to share today —

200m jog
10 squats
10 push ups
4 sampson stretch
4 instep lunges
10 squats

3 cycles
cash in: 400m run
2 Rounds
5 dumbbell high pull snatches
10 wall balls
10 alternating jumping lunges (ouch!)
2 min rest
time: 26:02


I can’t breathe worth a crap today or lately. I have to start working on increasing my lung capacity if I want to get better. It’s frustrating for sure to keep having to stop because you feel like you have someone sitting on your chest while trying to workout. Yeah -it’s really like that at times!

A friend posted this – When Your Mother Says She’s Fat.

When I first read the title, I didn’t want to read it. I kinda already knew what it was going to cover –I ended up reading it anyway and wow, it was powerful for sure. How many times do you find yourself talking down to yourself or being mean and critical of how you look and your worth? I’m not sure if this is applicable to guys as much, but probably 95% of women in the world can relate to this topic in some way.

I remember my mom being very conscience of weight and appearance on a regular basis. It was the way they were brought up — the role of the woman was very different during the 60’s and early 70’s. It was to support their man or find a husband if you didn’t have one. Taking care of yourself was paramount. There was little concern with how you felt, or whether you were fulfilled and if you lost your man – it was your fault. You weren’t put together, you were over weight, you didn’t do ‘something’. And those are the parents that brought up the next generation — and some were more progressive as the times changed, but some still held onto those opinions. Parents teach their children the right and wrong of the world – as filtered and biased as they are.

I remember feeling horrible about myself during my high school years because I was pudgy. I didn’t exercise – i was great at couch sitting and eating potato chips. Makes a perfect environment for developing low self esteem. I am sure a lot had to do with being depressed and uninspired by anything.

We are grown up now, and can’t blame our parents for things that happened in the past. We set our own course and looking back and being able to evaluate our experiences to make better choices is a skill we all need to develop. I so deeply do not want my daughter to grow up thinking her self-worth is tied to the way she looks. I want her to think she is the cat’s meow, so that she will look her best inside and out. When we feel great about ourselves –it shows. I try very hard to not make disparaging remarks about myself in general but if I find myself slipping, I try to make sure she’s not around. I don’t want her worrying about it as much as I did. It held me back from doing a lot of stuff that I now regret.

We all need to remember our kids hear, see and react to what we do and say. We may not think they are noticing, but they are.  Next time you hear yourself falling into negative dialogue, stop and ask yourself is that how you want your kiddos to see their world?

fourthofjulyHappy Fourth of July!

To all the brave heroes that give up so much to protect our freedoms,



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