Focus, Focus, Focus!

pick your battlesI have got to focus — the last week or so I have totally been like, oh I can eat that <crap food>. Once in a while won’t hurt me. However, that once in a while has turned into more than I would like and I am starting to see and feel the effects from it. I haven’t been sleeping well. I am feeling sluggish. My skin is breaking out. I am congested. And I can feel it, if not see the extra weight creeping on.

I may not want to admit it, but all the change the past month has caused me to lose focus on what’s important and fall into bad habits. I’ve been depressed about it all — even though change is necessary to move forward and I am liking where all of it is leading. As much as I know I have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, it takes time. I know I have to refocus and stop sabotaging all the work I have done – and I feel like crap.

Why do I do it? I know I will feel horrible afterwards but yet, at the time – my mind decides it’s worth it. It’s usually not and I have to focus on that fact more. It really is a daily commitment that needs to be made to live healthy and fit. When you are distracted by stress and other things, it is that much harder to focus on that commitment. So the key I guess is to create a strategy to help you lessen the stress that exists in your life and learn how to quiet the voices in your head that lead you astray.  Ahh –why can’t that be easy?

200m jog
10 squats
4 sampson stretch
4 instep lunges
10 push ups
10 squats

Deadlift – de-load 175#

10-1 DB Push Press
1-10 Burpee Box Jumps
tiime 12:17
