Crab Walking

Highbar RingsI could not stop eating yesterday –and not in a good way. I think it’s the week before that time of the month and all hell breaks loose in my body. It’s so odd because it’s like my mind totally loses any control and all rational thinking about nutrition goes out the window. It was a mix of paleo food and then some gluten free snack food – but as we all know, just because it’s g-free, doesn’t mean its good for you. Today is a new day and another chance to focus on my goals. It’s a bummer though that I get de-railed so easily.

I must work on remaining focused and be better prepared with my food and meals. If good food is readily available, then I would think i would go for that first. But that’s an assumption of course. Am I making any sense? Oh well —

I did make a great dinner last night — chicken thighs, peppers, onions, with some fajita seasoning and topped with cilantro and green onions. It was so good. I could eat cilantro all day long.

Today’s workout was tough — mainly because of crab walks. Holy crap, I need to work on those. I can’t seem to get the rhythm right when going forwards and backwards, well my wrists and elbows are killing me.


5 rounds

  • 2/side TGUs
  • 120ft Crabwalks
  • 50 DUs/100 ropes
  • 10 Kipping Pull ups

time: 24:42

mobility work: rhomboid band work 2×20



When I do lose focus and eat foods I know I shouldn’t, my face tells the story. I start to get acne and my color is off. I read this yesterday:

8 Ways to Prevent and Cure Acne Naturally and I agree with a ton of it – especially the part about eliminating gluten from your diet. I also add in dairy. Those cause inflammation and your body reacts — hence the acne.

Another good read is Your happiness type matters – you feel happiness all the way down into your genes.  The kind of happiness you’re feeling matters and can have different effects on your physical well-being.

Have a great and happy day!

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