Change Your Words and It Changes Your World

A few bits of info to share today. It was my rest day and I am super sore. Not sure why, but for some reason this week has kicked my tush in the workout department!

I have talked about coaching many times before –and the need to make sure you find a good, experienced coach to help you learn CrossFit. Here’s a great post that I came across yesterday:

The CrossFit L1 Cert Doesn’t Make You a Coach –  There is an abundance of bad coaches out there and the difference between that and a great one is night and day. Once you find one – you will never, ever accept poor coaching again. I promise!

And this -Watch this video below. It will make you really think about how changing your words, can change your world – It’s something I am trying really really hard to focus on. That and the thousands of other things I am trying to improve. Life is about moving forward, getting better, and being the best you, you can be.
