The Drive to Be Better

FestivalMondays arrive way too soon in my opinion. The weather is absolutely fantastic in NoVA and it makes the weekends that much harder to leave. We went to a carnival yesterday for a few hours. I am not really into rides, especially of the spinny sort but i am fine watching the kiddos have the time of their lives. While I was waiting for them to finish their thrill ride, I started looking around – seeing the smiles, hearing the sound of laughter and joy, noticing the displays of friendship and family, smelling the funnel cake and candy apples. Yup, just as I remembered when I was young. The more things change, it’s stuff like this that you start to appreciate that seem timeless.

carnival I took a pic of the little cars because I remember loving that ride. The cars look exactly the same as when I was young- same square steering wheels .I was transported to my childhood for a brief moment. Funny how memories can just hit you without warning.

Do you ever have a moment as a parent, when you are talking with your kid and you see yourselves in them? Some personality trait that you recognize and totally ‘get’?  It happened on Saturday. HB had her first Volleyball match. She’s on a team of beginners and I do mean beginners. She just started playing for the first time in her life less than three weeks ago to give you an idea.  But in the three weeks since she started, she has improved greatly. So much so, that the coach has noticed and has taken a special interest in coaching her. Well, Saturday –their team lost every match but HB played pretty well. She set up a lot of shots and never backed down from the ball. The rest will come with time, work, practice and experience.

Well she got frustrated because others on the team don’t work quite as hard as she does and they weren’t acting like a team. There was very little of the supportive words, cohesion that HB expected. Granted, the team just formed a few weeks ago, but the teams they played were definitely more into team camaraderie. So, afterwards in the car, she started crying. She was upset that others on her team aren’t working as hard as she is and aren’t as into it –she was angry and frustrated about it. That’s when the light bulb went off for me — That’s exactly how I feel and what I was referencing in a previous blog post: CrossFit: Learn Each and Every Day. And that’s when it dawned on me, that she gets that trait from me.

She is driven to be better all the time. My Mom is like that too. She loves learning. She loves the challenge. She loves being around people just like that too. When you have no choice but to be around people who don’t see the world like that regularly, it makes no sense and eventually you either have to take a different path or it will bring you down. There are followers in the world and then there are leaders – -and that doesn’t necessarily mean leading others. It means having the personality that blazes your own trail and being confident enough to believe you can. HB is clearly in that category.

We talked on the way home about how she felt and how it mirrors how I feel -the key difference though is I am going to help her learn how to manage it so that it doesn’t hold her back. I find that my passion and drive can sometimes get in the way of my career. At the end of the day, you have to learn how to channel those feelings and drive in a way that can adjust depending on the situation and circumstance. It’s where I fall short — but each day is a new day for me to work on it.

5×3 153#


Run (bumper plate), 15 lbs, 200 m
— then —

4 rounds:
10 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls, 53 lbs
20 Double Unders

— then —
Run (bumper plate), 15 lbs, 200 m

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