We All Can Make a Difference

find-quiet-550pxMy friend Will and I were talking after our workout this morning about how amazing and powerful the mind is. It can adapt to challenges it faces and find new pathways to get whatever job it needs to get done, done. I brought up how I am finding meditation so hard to grasp. I can do maybe 2 minutes right now before it drives me crazy. It’s definitely a skill that needs practice… On the way out he says “It’s funny how the mind doesn’t want to stop moving, and how hard it is to get the body to start moving.” How true that is? — and something that is evident all around us.

I think part of the reason my mind doesn’t want to quiet is all the unrest and change going on in my life right now. I am still at a crossroads, needing to switch things up, but unsure of the path I am going to take. I am more at peace with the sheer fact that I need to make changes, so there definitely has been progress, but now I am trying to evaluate what I am going to do. I am such a thinker and sometimes I wish I could just be one of those people who feels comfortable just seeing where they land.

I saw this quote on Facebook this morning and its timing was right, because I tend to minimize the actions of others as time passes and the truth of the matter is, I need to walk away from it. Plain and simple.

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.” -Jose N.Harris

Here’s an uplifting story about a young man and an amazing community. This young man will go on to do great things in the world — and this simple, compassionate act can fundamentally change people. I love this story — and it’s another example of good in this world. I hope it inspires people to go out there and be extra kind today.

A Georgia High Schooler Wrestled A Kid With Down Syndrome And Became Our New Hero


We did a bit extra mobility work today – -Weds and Thursdays at Highbar CrossFit are longer Met-con days. So, after the extra mobility we did a two part met-con

10 mins
100m farmer walk (shuttle) 2/35#db
8 Box Jumps
15 Push Ups
Rest 2mins—
7 mins
200m run
10 DB PClean to Press 2/20#db
Rest 2mins–
Tabata Plank each Direction (3 positions-12 rounds total)

Those farmer walks slay me each and every time. That is one definition of torture for sure!

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