The More You Know, The More Forward You Can Go

steph_oct2013A friend of mine sent me an email this morning with a paragraph that I didn’t recognize but thought wow, that was well said. Guess what? I wrote it! I don’t even recognize my own writing.

Some days it just flows out of me. Which reminds me of something I read that Tom Clancy once said when asked about writing:

I tell them you learn to write the same way you learn to play golf,” he said. “You do it, and keep doing it until you get it right. A lot of people think something mystical happens to you, that maybe the muse kisses you on the ear. But writing isn’t divinely inspired — it’s hard work.” – Tom Clancy

R.I.P. Mr Clancy – your words and inspiration will live on.


Lots of good reads yesterday that I am sharing. It’s all about moving forward and getting better each and every day. The more you know, the more you can improve.

  • What We Eat Affects Everything How men and women digest differently, diet changes our skin, and gluten remains mysterious: A forward-thinking gastroenterologist on eating one’s way to “gutbliss”.

A really interesting read — and aligns a lot with what I have discovered the past few years changing my own diet up. I know how my skin responds to certain types of foods – too much dairy, my eczema comes back. Gluten causes my stomach to bloat, fatigue and crankiness and acne. I can go on and on about how I feel after eating certain foods but will spare you the details…. 

  • Power Supply is a Paleo/Vegetarian Meal Delivery company I do some side work for. Great owners, great service. They posted info about a sleep app that can help you understand your sleep habits using your iPhone: Getting your sleep on

I downloaded the app and started using it last night. Let’s see how well I snooze. Sleep is a huge component of being fit and healthy and quite frankly, I love it. Any improvements I can make to get more benefits to my waking hours, I’m in! 

I am so sensitive to this issue, so please read about what you can do to help shape your daughter’s body image perception. I am definitely not perfect and do sometimes mention my weight or share out loud my thoughts about others. I do really try to monitor that though because I know personally how it will shape how my HB thinks about herself and has lasting ramifications.

“Zero talk about dieting, zero talk about weight,” she said. “Zero comments not only about your daughter’s weight, obviously, but zero talk about your weight and even other people’s weight.”

Bench 5×5 103#

7 Rounds 2mins/round

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 10 Push Ups
  • 15 Squats

remaining time: TGUs

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