Decide to Move On


Here’s some food for thought that really spoke to me this weekend from Joel Osteen.

“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.”

I really connected it with my layoff – and that whatever happened, happened and it’s time to move on. Let go of all the feelings associated with what went down and decide to move on. Chock it up to one of life’s learning lessons and boy did I learn from it.  And it’s funny how now that I have embraced this concept, some new opportunities have opened up that have made me excited once again. Life is funny that way, isn’t it? Jump and a net will appear…

One thing that isn’t going so well is my focus on nutrition. I am so derailed and have been eating my feelings -and need to start addressing it, and the first step is to write it here –and be honest. I have found countless reasons why it’s been OK to eat what I am eating. Reality shows the truth and I am heavier than I have been in a long while. When I stop and think about it all – I start feeling guilty that I am letting myself and others down – so I try not to think about it. And it becomes a vicious circle.

My first plan of attack will be to focus on something more fulfilling–and I just signed up to do some consulting for a local company that will keep me busy. I have a lot of work to do, so I won’t have a ton of time to lounge around to eat my feelings. My thinking is that being mentally busy will help combat the issues I have been squashing and help me get back on track.

Getting laid off has felt like a sucker punch which bruised my ego. I know it wasn’t necessarily about me, but it takes some time to get over. It’s change and loss at the hands of someone else and regardless of how confident and stable you are, it takes time to adjust.  And this wasn’t a stable or confident situation and I put up with dysfunction for far too long.  And now I’m FREE to create the situation that I want and need!

Recommended Reading

Kindness Matters

holiday cards for soldiers

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